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 Libyan vocabulary, an essay towards reproducing the ancient Numidian language out of four modern tongues

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Messages : 1406
Date d'inscription : 04/09/2009
Age : 42

Libyan vocabulary, an essay towards reproducing the ancient Numidian language out of four modern tongues Empty
MessageSujet: Libyan vocabulary, an essay towards reproducing the ancient Numidian language out of four modern tongues   Libyan vocabulary, an essay towards reproducing the ancient Numidian language out of four modern tongues EmptySam 3 Avr - 20:54

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Messages : 1406
Date d'inscription : 04/09/2009
Age : 42

Libyan vocabulary, an essay towards reproducing the ancient Numidian language out of four modern tongues Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Libyan vocabulary, an essay towards reproducing the ancient Numidian language out of four modern tongues   Libyan vocabulary, an essay towards reproducing the ancient Numidian language out of four modern tongues EmptyDim 4 Avr - 0:20

Voici un autre travail de Mr Newman qui reprend les travaux de Dr Barth :

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Libyan vocabulary, an essay towards reproducing the ancient Numidian language out of four modern tongues
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